prenatal Series


Dia Dearstyne


Are you starting to feel like your shoulders are constantly rounded forward and sitting up straight takes real effort? As your bump miraculously grows in front of you that weight can become a lot for your body to support and eventually it just feels easier to give into it.

In Class 3 we’ll work to counter that closed off, rounded feeling in our chest, shoulders, and upper back to help relieve stress and create more space in these places. We begin in a supported Supta Baddha Konasana with a body scan and Metta (Loving Kindness) Meditation before moving on to a number of seated heart-opening variations, Thread the Needle, Gate Pose, and supported Ustrasana (Camel Pose). Practice closes with Transverse Abdominal (new!) and Pelvic Floor breathing, and Savasana.

class Three - feel at home in your growing body


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