JOURNEY to New York City is a 7-day inclusive yoga and meditation challenge that begins on Saturday, April 23 with two offerings of yoga and meditation every day featuring incredibly talented local teachers set in iconic locations around the city.

When we created My Yoga. My City. | Volume 1 (NYC) - it was just the beginning for us. We truly believe that yoga is for everyone, and that all different lineages, backgrounds, cultures, ages, genders and sizes should be represented in our teachers. JOURNEY is doing just that - with our line up of talented teachers, and with the way that the challenge is organized!

All participants of JOURNEY must take each offering before moving on to the next one, plain and simple (hence why this is a challenge)! 

Will this bring you out of your comfort zone?

Will you try new styles or perhaps old styles that you have previously written off?
Most likely.

Will you practice with teachers that you’ve never practiced with before?
Yes. That’s the idea! 

We are giving these teachers the platform for their voices to be heard, their teachings to be seen, and giving you, our community, a chance to step up and challenge yourself this Spring!

BUT here’s the real kicker: if you complete this challenge and all of its classes within our set time period, you will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win several special prizes!